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Information exchange and sharing based on a common dictionary powers communication, collaboration and commerce where the art and science of indexing meet.

The Healthcare Challenge

Like librarians or curators, healthcare teams are challenged to build and maintain indexes of patient imaging files that allow for efficient reference and sharing. Healthcare catalogs connected across enterprises require a central roadmap that stores source and destination information, handling instructions and decryption codes.

Across disbursed healthcare organizations, patient images generated at the department and enterprise level often reside in siloed systems. Sending and receiving file systems don’t universally conform to or support industry standards like DICOM. Failure to build and follow logical study workflows delays diagnostic response, slows care delivery, and creates data gaps across the continuum of care.

Effective image study communication and sharing requires a common language—it requires a central dictionary.

The Solution: DataFirst’s Central Dictionary Builds Intelligent Enterprise Care Connections

Intelligent indexing streamlines image sharing and ensures universal compatibility across all sending and receiving systems. Central Dictionary builds and manages a reference base or catalog of image transactions, dynamically indexing studies with their routing instructions. The system manages and controls the configuration data and rule sets required to index, process and deliver every study contained in the system.


Central Dictionary Diagram

Central Dictionary dynamically and intelligently maps, controls and maintains all configuration data and rule sets required to acquire, index, process and deliver every imaging study contained within the system.


Predictive Analytics Anticipate and Solve Indexing Challenges

Silverback Workflow Engine logoTechnology and advanced algorithms power intelligent and predictive information indexing. This real-time analysis is core to the SilverBack Workflow Engine™ and helps you close image management and routing gaps left behind by incompatible or siloed image management systems.

Every Source and Destination Tracked and Documented

Central Dictionary securely and compliantly captures and logs the movement of every study processed by the SilverBack Workflow Engine.

Central Dictionary’s Core Benefits

  • Creates a centrally-managed index of studies maintained across all source systems.
  • Captures and manages indexing rules supporting study acquisition, processing and delivery.
  • Centrally manages study routing, splitting, forwarding, notifications and DICOM messages.
  • Supports workflow customization and optimization.
  • Builds a universal, centrally-managed study repository to intelligently and rapidly assess and direct incoming requests, worklists, studies and transactions.
  • Provides access to robust real-time transaction logs and error conditions.

Use Case

As new image study databases are connected to an enterprise image management system, Central Dictionary discovers and indexes the study source data, metadata, routing and workflow details. Central Dictionary also maintains current status for all studies it controls as the studies are processed over time.

A complete and updated index of discovered studies safeguards the accuracy and currency of studies maintained by Central Dictionary. Real-time intelligent study discovery and management ensures the SilverBack Workflow Engine knows where studies reside powering on-demand access and sharing.

Data Connections That Work

The best care is delivered when intelligent data connections build freedom, not boundaries. We reimagine image data delivery, one connection at a time. Central Dictionary connects any image source, repository, archive or modality to any viewer, mobile device, exchange or portal—locally or in the cloud—to create a connected healthcare ecosystem. When departments or health systems build data connections, clinicians can deliver care at the speed of life.

If you’re ready to take action, DataFirst can help.
Connect with us online or call 800-634-8504 to get started.

Beau Jones

Beau is the President and CEO of DataFirst with more than 22 years of experience in management and leadership roles in the healthcare and information services industries. Learn more about Beau's experiences and qualifications on our Leadership page.